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    Welcome to West Row Parish Council

West Row Parish Council Website

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West Row parish was formerly part of Mildenhall parish, on the 1st of April 2019 we became a separate parish.

West Row is believed to have been an important Bronze Age site over 3500 years ago. Then early farmers occupied timber houses during the summer months (possibly migrating south during the winter) and may have made ritual offerings into the river Lark. In January 1942, farmer Gordon Butcher while ploughing found a major hoard of highly decorated Roman silver tableware from the fourth-century AD. He did not recognize the objects for what they were, and the hoard did not come to the attention of the authorities until 1946. An inquest was held in the summer of 1967, when the find was declared treasure trove and acquired by the British Museum in London. Today it is known as the Mildenhall Treasure and comprises of tableware, pictorial platters and early Christian baptismal spoons which can be seen in the British Museum, and replicas are on display at the Mildenhall Museum.

West Row lies on the north bank of the navigable River Lark, 2 miles west of the town of Mildenhall, and just south of the large airbase RAF Mildenhall. occupied by the USAF, It is considered part of the Breckland, and sits on the edge of the Fens.

The village is served by a small village store, a coffee shop and a hairdressing salon. West Row is also home to the popular pub Jude's Ferry located on the river Lark, the last of 4 Pubs that were in the village.

17 July 2024

Full Council Meeting

Parish Office at Bowls Club Wednesday 7:00 pm View Details

Latest Parish News

Taxi Survey

on line


July 2024

West Suffolk Council survey in relation to Taxi Services.

Link to Survey

The taxi trade in West Suffolk plays a significant role in supporting our local economy, including leisure, tourism and education.

In July 2022 West Suffolk Council, which is responsible for the licensing and regulation of the trade, removed the requirement for all new and replacement to be wheelchair accessible vehicles. At the time this decision was made the council committed to carrying out an unmet demand survey to assess the impact of this change.

The purpose of this survey is to establish whether people, including passengers with mobility needs or disabilities, can get a taxi when they need it. This includes looking at where the ranks are to establish if they are still in the right locations, the number of bays on those ranks as well as the vehicles themselves to ensure for instance that people who use wheelchairs can access a taxi when they need to.

The survey seeks the feedback from a range of people including taxi passengers, people with mobility needs or disabilities, businesses as well as the wider public to establish if there are people who are not using taxis due to difficulties of access.

The survey is available online at and will run until 11 August 2024. Anyone unable to take part online, can contact or phone 01284 758050 to request a paper copy. We have also written to taxi drivers and operators to seek their views through a similar survey.

The outcome of these surveys will then be discussed with the trade alongside evidence, data, benchmarking and national guidance as we look to engage and work with them around improvements and our strategic priorities for sustainable growth, thriving communities and environmental resilience.

Through this we will be continuing the work of a policy review that began in 2022 and working toward our long term vision for a taxi fleet that is thriving with drivers able to earn a decent living, that is safe both in terms of the vehicles on the road and the drivers behind the wheel, that is accessible to people of all needs right across our district, and has a reduced impact in terms of carbon emissions as we work toward net zero.

100 Club winner


June 2024
100 club

Our 100 Club winners for June 2024 is Carol Bebee.

Congratulations Carol.

To find out how to join 100 Club, look under      Parish Council -- 100 Club

West Row Parish
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