Parish Council
Parish Council

West Row was formerly part of Mildenhall parish.

On the 1st of April 2019 after a long campaign, we became a separate parish.

The Parish Council comprises of nine Councillors elected at the Parish Council elections held every four years.

The role of a Parish Councillor is to take an active interest and concern for their local community. They represent local people and work in partnership with them and others when necessary. They help facilitate the provision of local services and facilities and take decisions that form the policy of the Council.

Councillors are not paid and have to abide by the Suffolk Code of Conduct.

Councillors have to complete a Register of Members' Interests form (LGA 2000) when taking office.

Councillors must declare a pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any matter under discussion at a Parish Council meeting if it relates to them.